The Role of the Pope is Defunct

popeReally, I watch this pathetic old man trying to perform miracles, praying and blessing people, and to what avail?

Now he is calling for a political solution to the Syrian conflict. Absurd, the despot Ashar al-Bastard has already ruled that out as an option.

This imposter, whom people claim is God’s representative on Earth, is nothing more than a man suffering from delusions of  self grandeur having been voted for by cardinals who are similarly affected and have been institutionalised and isolated from the real world to the degree that they have no idea of what life is about.

He has stuck the people in an era that no longer applies, he impedes progress, he adds to the misery of millions, makes edicts about social issues all in the name of a god, that just as many people doubt exists.

I was reading the other day, that non-believers now out number believers, which means that the people are waking up after a couple of thousand years of being suppressed by religion.

The church it is claimed is the richest institution on Earth and pays no taxes and we sit back and wonder at the current economic crisis being faced by the world while the Pope and all his finery and bling sit back in luxury.

The only honorable thing he could do would be to dissolve the Papacy and let the world get on with life and if he’s too old to work go on a pension and see the reality of how real people live.

Evil Things

Charles M Schultz had the value of therapists about right

I ask, are therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists really necessary?

I mean, I know they are in certain types of institution; but I feel that that’s where they belong. Not let loose on society at large.

Basically in my day, one never heard of a psychologist, let alone have them in schools, etc.

Now they are a dime a dozen. How much good do they do? In my opinion, not much.

They seem to me to create problems, where in my day you got a clip around the ear and told to deal with it. Now you are a victim, with the associated lowering of ones self esteem.

If you look at it bluntly, the role of a psychologist is to make you dependent and thereby a source of income; it has nothing to do with making you ‘better.’ They prescribe antidepressant drugs that can make you suicidal or turn you into a murderous beast. The difference between murder and suicide is merely, who is the target.

Really, the world would be a better place if all these specialists crawled back into their holes.

Headlines & Hysteria

NB: Nothing in this post detracts from the loss of 20 young lives in CT in such tragic circumstances.

Once again, the world has a shooting, I say the world, because it doesn’t only happen in the USA. But I am going to look at three recent American incidents.

First question that we must ask, it why a school, a mall and a movie theatre?

The answer is simple, a school because guns are not permitted in schools, a mall because guns were not permitted, and the movie theatre, the same, no guns. So any gunman knows that he will not immediately be confronted and killed.

It is for this reason that you don’t see crazed gunmen attacking a police station, or a military academy, or a university (most have campus police, with guns).

Defenseless institutions are chosen.

The reason these institutions are chosen is because GUNS ARE BANNED!

And the current uproar is to ban more guns and make more institutions defenseless, thereby adding to the range of choices for deranged gunmen.

I fail to see the logic.

Obviously, so do you.

The NRA tells us that “when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.” Now, you may think that the NRA is self serving, but they are quite right, you only have to look around the world at countries that have tight gun laws; in those countries, ONLY the outlaws have guns. In using the term ‘outlaws’ I also include crazy people.

Take a look at Switzerland. Every house has a gun because someone in that household is on the military reserve and has their weapon at home. Strange, I have never heard of a crazy shooting or a house invaded by armed criminals there. Which goes a long way to supporting the NRA hypothesis.

The problem is a mental health problem, nothing to do with guns at all.

If you care to read the following post: “Honest Voices Begin To Appear (CT)” by Karl Denninger, you will see that we should be shouting “Ban drugging kids with Prozac” and not banning guns. This post talks very clearly about what has changed in the lat 30 years, and it’s not the availability guns, it’s the availability prescription drugs, antidepressants, drugs that induce suicidal tendencies. These drugs are being fed to our kids like candy.

If you care to read further, try this post: “CT School Shootings; Facts Before Hype” by the same author. This post talks about the psychiatric make up of a deranged shooter and supports my views as above.

Look at this quote from the post:

“Occasionally, however, their plans go awry.  For instance, in Oregon. “He was working on his rifle,” said Meli.  “He kept pulling the charging handle and hitting the side.” The break in gunfire allowed Meli to pull out his own gun, but he never took his eyes off the shooter. “I’m not beating myself up cause I didn’t shoot him,” said Meli.  “I know after he saw me I think the last shot he fired was the one he used on himself.”

Indeed the shooter did shoot himself next, despite having multiple additional unarmed people available near him to continue his rampage, along with additional cartridges, once he unjammed the gun. Why? He saw the man who, despite a sign claiming that there were no guns in the mall, was in fact armed and able to return fire. The assailant’s illusion of a free-fire zone where all the people he wanted to shoot were free from the risk of returning fire had been dispelled; had he elected to shoot another unarmed and helpless individual the odds are good that he would have exposed himself to being shot as he would have had to move in a fashion that would have given the CCW holder a clear shot at him. As such he elected to take his own life since he knew, at that point, that he no longer had the ability to continue to murder people without reprisal.”

There was a gun present, despite signs in the mall saying there wouldn’t be. This disrupted the shooter’s plans, his only way out was suicide and that may have saved a lot more people being killed. They were saved by the presence of a gun!

So ignore the headlines, cut the hysteria, try thinking rationally.

Even Obama is being hysteric. Headline: ‘Obama seeking gun reform solution.’ While Obama’s tears may have been the tears of a father, they were mixed with crocodile tears eying the next election and scoring Brownie Points for the Democratic team. Obama is playing on the people’s hysteria.

The answers are there, hysteria is stopping us from finding them.